How can customers leave feedback?


How can customers leave feedback?


There are two ways a customer can leave feedback on the visit at your restaurant:

  1. Feedback during payment on the Seaton Clover application
  2. Responding to the Thank you message


1. Feedback during payment on the SeatOn Clover application

During walkout process and customer payment, a screen like this will be shown on the Clover device:


You should rotate your Clover device in order to allow customer to enter feedback. On a feedback screen customer can grade his visit experience:

After a customer leaves feedback, he should click the button OK/Send feedback in order to send his feedback. This feedback will be then recorded in the SeatOn application database, and used in the reporting module of the SeatOn application.


2. Responding to the 'Thank you' message

In order for this option to be enabled you have to set up and enable Thank you message on the Settings/Notifications page:


Thank you message which is sent to customer by email looks like shown on the picture below:

Thank you message contains a link on which customer can click in order to leave a feedback.

When customer clicks the feedback link, he will be taken to a feedback page which looks like shown on the picture below:

Customer can give a grade (mark a number of stars), fill up the text form and click the button "Send feedback".

The feedback will be then recorded in the SeatOn application database. Each feedback is linked with event, and can be seen on: