How to create new reservation?


How to create new reservation?


If you want to create a reservation for a customer, here is how can you do it on:



1. SeatOn Clover application

1. Click the "New reservation" icon

To access a new reservation screen click the quick link which is present almost on any screen of the SeatOn Clover application, in the lower right corner of the screen with the icon:

Page "New reservation" opens:

2. Select date of reservation

On the "New reservation" screen, you should first select a date of a new reservation. There are two ways to select a date:

a) Click on the predefined buttons


b) select date from the date picker


3. Set time of reservation

There are two ways to select a time:

a) Click on the predefined buttons:


b) select time from the time picker

4. Select number of covers (persons)

Click on the predefined buttons or select from the drop down menu:


5) Set estimated visit length

Click on the predefined buttons or select from the drop down menu:

6) Find available tables and select table(s) for the reservation

Click on the button "Find available tables" to get a list of free tables for the selected time, visit length, and number of persons.

Click on the button to select a table. You can select multiple tables for the same event.

7) Set customer who requested reservation

Define customer who is the owner of the reservation which is being made:

a) Search existing customers from the database

Use search field and search button in order to find customer in the database by name, email or phone.

Or, if the customer is not found in the database:

b) Enter customer information

If the customer is unknown yet, enter customer information manually, and define at least customer First Name and Phone number:


8) Create reservation

Finally, click the button "Create reservation" in the upper right corner of the screen, in order to create the reservation:

Alternatively, click the "Reset" button to erase all the fields on the screen, and start all over again.

9) Check expected arrivals

If everything went well, you should find reservation you have just created on the screen Expected arrivals. Use search arrivals option to find created reservation by customer name, email or phone.

You can read details about the screen Expected arrivals here.


2. SeatOn Web application

Perform following steps to make a new reservation:

1) Open the "New reservation" page

You can open the "New reservation" page in two ways:

a) access "New reservation" page through the side menu


b) using the quick link "Create new reservation"

Click on the link "Create new reservation" located in the upper right corner of the screen:


2) Select date of reservation

Date of reservation can be selected:

  • by clicking the button with predefined days, or
  • choosing the day using date picker:


3. Select time of reservation

Daytime of the reservation can be selected in two ways:

  • by clicking button with predefined available time slots - time slots within restaurant open hours are displayed in green color, outside open hours in yellow colors.
  • by selecting time on the time picker

4. Select number of covers (persons)

Select number of persons for the reservation in two ways:

  • by clicking button with predefined number of persons, or
  • type number in the input field (click up or down arrows to increase or decrease number of persons by one)  


5. Set estimated visit length

Set estimated visit length for the reservation in two ways:

  • by clicking the button with predefined meal types - breakfast, lunch or dinner
  • select custom duration in select box


6) Find available tables and select table(s) for reservation

Click the button "Find tables" in order to get a list of available tables

Select one table or multiple tables, depending of the number of persons, and capacity of the tables.


7) Set customer who requested reservation

Define customer who is the owner of the reservation in two ways:

  • Search existing customers from the database, or
  • Enter customer information (contact details) in the input fields - define at least customer's First name and Phone or Email



8. Add notes about reservation if needed (special requests etc.)

Enter optional note in the text field "Comment":


9. Click the button "Create reservation" to make reservation

In order to save the reservation with entered data, click the button "Create reservation" to make the reservation. If the action was successful, confirmation dialog will be shown:


Note: if any mandatory data on the form is missing, error messages will be shown on the bottom of the page, and the button "Create reservation" will be disabled:


10. Check "Expected arrivals" page

If the reservation was successfully entered, you can check its status on the Table management page, tab "Expected arrivals".


3. Restaurant website (online reservations using SeatOn reservation widget)

Reservation widget is add-on to your restaurant's web page which adds SeatOn reservation functionality to your website. For more information how to setup SeatOn reservation widget, and embed it into your website please check the Reservation widget help page.

Reservation requests which have arrived through the SeatOn reservation widget must first be approved by the regular SeatOn application user on the Online reservations screen of the SeatOn Clover application, or on the Table management page of the SeatOn web application.