
Settings introduction

SeatOn Web - Settings introduction Settings menu is divided into following options: - Floor plan (./047082-Floor) - set your floor capacity and layout here - Business hours (./960358-Business-hours) - set up business hours of your business, non-working days and operating time slots for online reservations - Products (./051210-Products) - define products for which your guest can make a reservation. - Time slots (./336698-Time-slots) - define available time slots for online and offl...


SeatOn Web - Floor plan On this page you can define floor plan (i.e. tables and areas) of your restaurant. Setting up the floor is a requirement for the SeatOn application to run, so this page is used at the first run of the SeatOn application, but you can access it at anytime later by clicking Settings/Floor plan from the side menu of the SeatOn Web application. Actions you can do on this page are: - Area(s) definition (#AreaDefine) - Table(s) definition (#TableDefine) - Edit table...

Business hours

SeatOn Web - Business hours This page is accessed by clicking Settings/Business hours from the side menu of the SeatOn Web application. On this page you can set up business hours and non-working days. Moreover, you can define specific time slots when will taking of online reservations be enabled, instead of using business hours. - Business hours (#BusinessHours) - set up business hours - Non-working days (#NonWorkingDays) - set up non-working days - Special working days (#specWorkin...


SeatOn Web - Products On this page you can set up products and their duration for which your customers can make a reservation. Access this page by selecting Settings/Products from the menu of SeatOn Web application. Supported product definition options are: - Standard products (#standardProducts) - products and their duration are determined depending on a time of reservation ( e.g. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner). This is the default products setup for restaurants. - Simple duration list (...

Time slots

SeatOn Web - Time slots On this page you can define time slots list available when creating reservations. Moreover, you can set limits for online reservations (./114714-Limitation-policy), in terms of capping a number of created reservations, or the maximum number of persons. Access this page by selecting Settings/Time slots from the menu of SeatOn Web application. You can set up different time slots list for online reservations (#offlineonlineRes) (#offlineonlineRes)(created by customers)...


SeatOn Web - Notifications Access this page by clicking on Settings/Notifications on the menu. On this page you can update notification messages templates which will be sent by email or text (SMS) to customers after creating/canceling/confirming reservations or creating/canceling/confirming access to the waiting list. For more information about the waiting lists and reservations see the Events workflow (./343584-Events-Workflow) page. SeatOn application comes with predefined notification me...

Limitation policy

SeatOn Web - Limitation policy Limitation policy allows you to cap a number of created reservations, or constrain the maximum number of guests. Please note that limitation policy is applied only for online reservations. Limitation policy are set on the Time slots page, which can be accessed by selecting Settings/Time slots from the menu of SeatOn Web application. There are two limitations models you can use: - General limitation (#generalLimit) - limitation works on the whole restaura...


SeatOn Web - Alerts Alerts provide you with the possibility to receive an email when a new reservation has been created/canceled, or a waiting list entry has been added/removed. You can access this page by clicking Settings/Alerts from the side menu of the SeatOn Web application. Here are the actions needed to set up the alerts for your restaurant: - Alert email address (#AlertEmail) - Define reservation alerts settings (#AlertReservation) - Define waitlist alerts settings (#Alert...


SeatOn Web - IVR Reservations Access this page by clicking on Settings/IVR on the menu. On this page, you can activate interactive voice response (./049804-IVR-reservations)functionality for your restaurant, and allow your guests to make reservations using the keypad of their phones. Your staff don't have to answer the phone, they only have to confirm received reservation in the SeatOn application. - IVR activation (#IVR Activation) - instructions on how to activate your IVR functional...

Table rearrangement

SeatOn Web - Table rearrangement On the Table rearrangement page, you can modify an existing reservation, and reassign another table (s) to the reservation. This is typically done if you want to accommodate a special guest request, or perhaps to optimize table occupancy. The page is accessed over Reservation center page by clicking the button Rearrange: After the Rearrange button is clicked you will be transferred to the Table rearrangement page: The rearrangement page is div...


SeatOn Web - Membership All registered customers in the application are assigned with one of 5 membership levels. Default application setup recognizes these levels: * Beginner member - default level, assigned automatically when a customer is created * Bronze member * Silver member * Gold member * Platinum member Customer collects points by visiting your restaurant and generating revenue. One point is earned by each dollar spent at your restaurant. Customer can advance to th...


SeatOn Web - Employees Employees page is accessed through the web application menu _Settings/Employees_. It can only be accessed by users with Manager roles. There are two types of information which you can access from this page: * Employee list (#EmployeeList) * Employee details, performance and privileges (#EmployeeDetails) ------------------------- 1. Employee list Employee list can be presented in two different modes: * Table mode (#TableMode) * Thumbnails mode (#...

Employee details

SeatOn Web - Employee details Employee details page gives thorough information about employee. It can be accessed only by users with Manager roles. The page is divided into five sections as shown on the picture below: * Employee data (#Section1) - contact and personal data of an employee, as well as SeatOn application privileges for the employee * Customer feedback (#Section2) - events feedback by customers who were served by the selected employee * Employee basic stats (#Section3)...