SeatOn Web - Employees


Employees page is accessed through the web application menu Settings/Employees. It can only be accessed by users with Manager roles. There are two types of information which you can access from this page:

  1. Employee list
  2. Employee details, performance and privileges


1. Employee list

Employee list can be presented in two different modes:


Employee list - table mode

Table mode contains employees list with following columns:

  • Employee name - name and surname of the employee
  • Role - employee role. Following roles are possible:
    • ROLE_USER - (Clover role Employee)
    • ROLE_MANAGER - (Clover roles Owner, Manager)
  • Contacts - email and phone number of employee
  • Rated - average customer rate of the employee
  • Average revenue per cover - average revenue per cover for visits managed by this employee
  • Average tip per cover - average tips per cover for visits managed by this employee
  • No show rate - average no show rate for visits managed by this employee
  • Active - employee activity status, Active or Inactive. As employees cannot be deleted, past employees who stop working at your restaurant should be put to Inactive status.
  • Details button - check more information about employee on the Employee details page

Furthermore, you can filter employees list by name, role, email or phone or sort employee list by various criteria listed in the drop down list:

  • Sort by name
  • Sort by average revenue per cover
  • Sort by no show rate
  • Sort by ratings


2. Employees list - thumbnails mode

Only basic employee information is shown:

  • Rated - average customer rate of the employee
  • Contacts - email and phone number of employee
  • Details button - check more information about employee on the Employee details page


2. Employee details, performance and privileges

This information can be accessed when you click Details button in the employee list in order to check more information about the employee. Regardless of the employee presentation mode, for each employee listed there will be appropriate Details button shown.

On clicking the Details button you will be taken to the Employee details page, where you can check employee performance, contact data, as well as set employee privileges (can create reservation, can add to waitlist).

Do not forget to set employee privileges when adding new employee to the database, and during initial application customization.