How do I create a reservation?


How do I create a reservation ?


On the SeatOn Clover application, click the blue button in the bottom-right corner, which will open the form for creating reservations.

On the SeatOn web application, you can open the form by either clicking the 'Create reservation' link in the top-right corner of the screen, or by using the left side menu (Tables -> New reservation).

When the form opens, you first need to select the date, time, duration and number of persons, and click 'Find tables' which will find tables for the selected criteria. After you select one or more tables, you need to fill in customer data. This can be done either by searching the customer database and selecting an existing customer or by entering a new customer. Then click on 'Create reservation' and a new reservation will be created, and if enabled in notification settings, an email will be sent to the customer.

A detailed description of the process can be found here and here.