Table rearrangement

SeatOn Web - Table rearrangement


On the Table rearrangement page, you can modify an existing reservation, and reassign another table (s) to the reservation. This is typically done if you want to accommodate a special guest request, or perhaps to optimize table occupancy.

The page is accessed over Reservation center page by clicking the button Rearrange:


After the Rearrange button is clicked you will be transferred to the Table rearrangement page:



The rearrangement page is divided into three columns:

  • Selected reservation - this is the reservation you want to rearrange
  • Reservations in the same period as the selected reservation - reservations which share the same time period as the reservation you are trying to modify
  • Free tables for the selected period - free tables in the selected period which are not assigned to any reservation

In order to rearrange tables, you can drag and drop tables between columns as shown in the animation below:

When you are finished with rearrangement, you must click the Save button for changes to become effective. If you want to undo the changes you have done, you should click the Restore button.