Customize SeatOn application for your needs


Customize SeatOn application for your needs


Customizing the SeatOn application can only be done on the SeatOn Web application. First customization should typically be done on the first start of the application, as the SeatOn application cannot be used on Clover devices before defining your floor plan is completed.

Perform following steps:

1. Select Settings/Floor from the side menu in order to define your Floor:


2. Create an area by clicking on the button Add area

On the Settings/Floor screen create an area by clicking on the button Add area, and entering area information in the opened Add area dialog. Click the button "Save area" to save entered information:

You can also define multiple areas.


3. Add tables to area

Once area is defined, add tables to it:

a) by using buttons with predefined table sizes:



b) by using the "Add custom table" button and entering table capacity manually:

Use the "Add custom table" button to open "Add custom table" dialog. On the opened dialog, enter table capacity.  Optionally, you can mark the table as VIP table by checking the checkbox VIP table.

Click the button "Add table" to save entered table data.

When you are finished with definition of areas and tables, you can start using the SeatOn Clover application. Moreover, you can proceed with customization of other application settings described here:

  • General settings - general settings (parameters related to reservation and waiting list options) and meal settings (define start and end of breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as the average meal duration)
  • Notification messages - set and define notification messages which are sent to customers during reservation and waiting list process
  • Membership levels - tune up customer membership levels and related privileges
  • Employees' settings - check your employee list and employee performance, and set employee privileges (can create reservation, can add to waitlist)
  • Reservation widget for online reservations - allow the customers visiting your restaurant's website to create online bookings
  • Availability widget for online waitlists - allow the customers visiting your restaurant's website to check current tables availability of the restaurant and add themselves to the waiting list