Revenue trend


SeatOn Web - Revenue trend


Revenue trend shows total restaurant revenue statistics in the last 12 calendar months. Data presented in the report can be analyzed for all customers, as well as for registered and non-registered customers particularly. The screen is divided in three sections as shown on the picture below:

  1. Report parameters
  2. Report data
  3. Detailed month statistics - by visit type and meal type


1. Report parameters

This section gives user a possibility to change revenue report depending on the customer type:

  • All customers  -  aggregated spend regardless of customer type (i.e. all customers)
  • Only regulars  -  aggregated spend only for registered customers
  • Only non regulars  -  aggregated spend only for unregistered customers

So, for the picture below application would show revenue trend report for all customers, registered, and non-registered.


2. Report data

Revenue data is graphically shown in a histogram chart, with each column representing particular month of the yearly period.

Each column in the chart is divided in three differently colored sub-columns, representing total revenue by visit type:

  • Reservation - customer made a reservation prior to the visit
  • Walk-in seated - customer entered a restaurant, and immediately acquired a seat
  • Walk-in waitlisted - customer entered a restaurant, was put to the waiting list, acquired a seat after he spent some time in the waiting list

By clicking on a specific column in the histogram, detailed data for the selected month is shown in the section Detailed month statistics.

In addition, Totals column next to the histogram lists following calculated values for the 12 month period:

  • Revenue
    • Total revenue
    • Average revenue per visit
    • Average revenue per cover
  • Tips
    • Total tips
    • Average tip and percentage of tip in relation to the total bill amount
  • Visits
    • Total number of visits
    • Total number of covers
    • Average covers per visit
  • No Show
    • Percentage of no show events
    • Total number of no show events
    • Sum of all covers for no show events
    • Estimated revenue loss for no show events


3. Detailed month statistics

This section shows detailed revenue statistics for the month which was selected in the histogram in the section Report data:

  • Revenue spread by visit type – revenue statistics based on a type of customer visit. Goal is to distinguish difference in spending behavior for customer that made reservations or just walked into the restaurant
  • Revenue spread by meal type – revenue statistics based on different meal types (i.e. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

3.1. Revenue spread by visit type

Pie chart shows revenue spread by visit type. Near the pie chart, a table with even more revenue details is shown with the following rows:

  • Revenue - total revenue, average revenue per visit, average revenue per cover
  • Tips - total tips, average tip per visit and percentage of tip in relation to the total bill amount
  • Number of visits - total number of visits, total sum of covers, average covers per visit
  • No show visits - percentage of no show events in relation to visit type, total number of no-show events, total sum of covers, total estimated loss because of no-show event. Please note that for the Walk-in Seated event type, no-show information is not applicable, and thus for this column this field is always empty.

Columns in the table are:

  • Reservation - values calculated only for the event type "Reservation"
  • Walk-in Seated - values calculated only for the event type "Walk-in Seated"
  • Walk-in Waitlisted - values calculated only for the event type "Walk-in Waitlisted"
  • Total - sum of values for all event types
  • Total Percentage - comparison of values in the column Total to values for other months


3.2. Revenue spread by meal type

Pie chart shows revenue spread by meal type. Near the pie chart, a table with even more revenue details is shown with the following rows:

  • Revenue - total revenue, average revenue per visit, average revenue per cover
  • Tips - total tips, average tip per visit and percentage of tip in relation to the total bill amount
  • Number of visits - total number of visits, total sum of covers, average covers per visit
  • No show visits - percentage of no show events in relation to visit type, total number of no-show events, total sum of covers, total estimated loss due to no-show event.

Values in the rows are divided and calculated depending on three hour groups (i.e meal types):

  • Breakfast - events starting from 7 AM - 11 AM
  • Lunch - events starting from 11 AM - 5 PM
  • Dinner - events starting from 5 PM - 11 PM