Customer list


SeatOn Web - Customer list


To have all your customers listed and sorted by various criteria, go to the main menu and select Customers/Customer list.

By selecting an option from the drop down list, you can have your customer list sorted/listed by:

    New since last login – all the newly registered customers from the time when the user last logged in to the application will be listed
    Registration date – sort all customers by date and time when the customer registered
    Total spend – sort all customers by total money spent by the customer
    Average spend per visit – sort all customers by average amount of money spent by the customer per visit
    Total visit number – sort all customers by total number of visits by the customer
    Number of reservations – sort all customers by total number of reservations made by the customer
    Number of no-shows – sort all customers by total number of reservations where the customer didn’t show up
    Number of cancellations – sort all customers by total number of reservations where the customer cancelled a reservation


Customers matching defined criteria are listed in a table with the following information:

  • Registered – date when customer was first registered in your database
  • Name – customer name
  • Contact – customer contact data, telephone or email
  • Total spend – total money spent by the customer
  • Avg. spend per visit – average amount of money spent by the customer per visit
  • Total Visits – total number of visits by the customer
  • Total Reservation – total number of reservations by the customer
  • Total No-show – total number of reservations where the customer didn’t show up
  • Total Canceled – total number of reservations where the customer canceled a reservation

You can further check or edit customer details by clicking on appropriate buttons. Button View will lead you to the Customer details page, and button Edit to the Customer edit page.